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Bridget Card Making
Welcome to my Rubber Stamping site.  I'm Bridget, and as you will see below my passions are Rubber Stamp Art, Hand Stamped Greeting Cards and some Nature Photography.  Here you'll find a gallery with my Hand Stamped Card Samples, along with my Favorite Links to other rubber stamping and crafting sites.  A gallery of my Nature Photography also resides here.  There is also a gallery devoted to hand stamped cards received from My Friends and a gallery of cards received from members of the Silver Stampers.  Last but not least, you'll find a little about Me and My Family.  I'm very proud of them all!

You'll find nothing for sale here. If you're looking for some really good commercial sites, see my Favorite Links section below. These are my hobbies that I'd like to share with you. It's my hope that you'll get some ideas and inspiration from these pages, and E-Mail me with your own ideas, suggestions and/or questions, so we can learn from each other.

Items of Interest

Hand Stamped
Card Gallery #1
Card Gallery #2
Card Gallery #3
Card Gallery #4
Please visit my Hand Stamped Card Gallery #1, Gallery #2, Gallery #3 and Gallery #4 pages.  They have a bunch of my work in "Thumbnail" form, so they load quickly. You get to select the samples you want to view and enlarge each individually.
Favorite Links Visit some of my Favorite Links listed below. I've gotten lots of inspiration from them.  I keep these updated whenever I find something really special.
Nature Photography Check out my Nature Photography page. I enjoy taking pictures of nature and wildlife. We have an abundance of birds, deer and other wildlife in the rural lakeside community in which we live. I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch, but I hope to show you some interesting and cute pictures taken around my rural home near the lake.
Silver Stampers
Card Gallery #1
Card Gallery #2
Card Gallery #3
Card Gallery #4
Silver Stampers Card Gallery.  Here you will find cards from members of the stamp club from all over the U.S.
My Friends Card Gallery I've received so many beautiful cards from My Friends that I decided to create a separate gallery to display their work.  Check it out for a wide variety of ideas.Updated
Non-Stamping Links Other non-Stamping related links with interesting or otherwise socially redeeming significance.
My Family Lastly, please allow me to do a little bragging about My Family.  I'm very proud of them all, and they would probably leave me out of their will or something if I didn't give them their own page here! Smily Face

Links to my Favorite Sites.

Send Love Today They make cards for brain cancer patients and much else stamp related to see.
Viva Las Vegastamps Visit this Las Vegas store or shop online.  Check it out.
Clear Envelopes Clear envelopes in several sizes.  Great for mailing hand stamped cards.
Stampics Rubber Stamps made from your Digital Photos.
Simon's Stamps | Custom Rubber Stamps Design custom rubber stamps online. Plain text, or upload your own graphics files.
RUBBER STAMP TAPESTRY Neat little peg stamps a must see!
Art Rubber Stamps Make Art Stamps In Minutes & Designer Stencils.
Just Stamp It! Art Work, Tips and Techniques.
House-Mouse Designs Full line of stamps and House-Mouse gifts.
theCardLadies Interesting stuff for handmade cards.
We Are Paper Really great tree free handmade paper products.
Tear It Up Papermaking Best site I've found on Paper making.
Gingerwood Love this site. Over 1,100 Stamping links.
The Stampin' Place Rubber Art Stamps & Accessories
Stampscapes® Rubber Stamps Over 1,000 art examples.
Stampendous! Rubber Stamps Really love their stamps.
Clearsnap, Inc. Lots to look at here.
The Rubbernecker Stamp Co, Some nice card samples.
(P)=Personal site

And, if you really don't like any of those, try the one below.

Dragonhome's Stamping Pages - Lots of links - Everything you ever wanted to know about Rubber Stamping and Scrapbooking. This is a new URL since this site has undergone a major overhaul.

Non-Stamping places of interest.

Yes, I know these sites totally unrelated to anything else at this site or Rubber Stamping, but they're really worth checking out.

Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - a free virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can't type on a physical computer keyboard, but can use a pointing device like a mouse.  Some of you may know someone, who is physically challenged, that this program could help. Overwhelmed?  Disorganized?  Living in chaos?  This site shows you how to get your home and life in order.
Free Scrapbooking Layouts - A free, online scrapbook community with free scrapbooking layouts, poems & quotes, and scrapbooking ideas.  You'll need to create a free account though.

Mailbox <-Reach me by e-mail at  by clicking the mailbox.

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